Why Paper is the Packaging Choice for Sustainability
Let’s imagine a little experiment. We order a pizza and a 2 liter soda delivered, and after dinner we throw the pizza box and soda bottle in the back yard to see how long it takes them to decompose. You get the picture. No need to do the experiment. Just enjoy your pizza and soda, then toss the packaging in the recycle bin. Google says that the soda bottle will take 450 years to decompose, while the pizza box will be gone in 90 days.

Even with recycling, needless to say, paper is a much better choice for our planet. Just as food companies grow fields of corn, paper companies farm acres of trees, and we do recycle, but plastics are something that we need to minimize the use of. (Did you know that C&D won a Recycling Award from the Florida DEP? Read about it here.)
Consumers prefer paper packaging to plastics. Just think about the last time you had to open one of those products that comes in a plastic clam shell that you need a pair of scissors to open? Wouldn’t that product be better in a paper carton?